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2005-08-06, 3:57 a.m.

Some light relief and easy structure ....

Friday Five.

Q. If you were to go to a movie this weekend, which one would you pick?

A.I'd like to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I've turned down an invite to see it this afternoon so I can start on work.

Q. What's the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

A. I like the gelatine substance in pork pies. As far as strangness goes I've had one of those chocolate covered insects that someone once had at a party.

Q. Name a material thing that you cannot live without.

A. Mobile Telephone, my phone is on its last legs.

Q.What is your favorite cologne or perfume?

A. I used to wear Jean Paul Gautier alot, but now if i smell it is just reminds me of drunkeness and cigarrete smoke. I like the fresh smelling stuff I picked up in the body shop, it smells clean and refreshing. Aot of smells are a bit too ripe and rich for myself.

Alot of male aftershaves remind me of boys I have had relationships with. For this reason I avoid:

>lists every major brand

Q, If you could invite any one person from all of history to have dinner with you, who would you invite?

A.Em god knows. Catherine the Great.

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